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Home » The African Woman


Afrikan women are the birthers of civilization as told by every ancient human archive . It is from the genetic make-up of Afrikan women that civilization started and will continue to be defined by her DNA. Science confirms this historical contribution time and time again, and the historical books’ validates the originality of the Afrikan woman. Afrikan mothers care for their offspring with assistance from her Afrikan male counterpart. She is firm and tenacious; though she faces harsh socio-economics as she struggles to keep her household in cultural and spiritual definition. Afrikan women face injustices from European males and females, and other cultural groups in Africa and in Western Civilization.

 Still, in Africa, she is viewed as an equal contributor of the household and the family she nurtures. Wherever she is stationed in the world, Afrikan women shine despite socio-economic structures to upend her family structure. She knows her identity, her role as an Afrikan woman, and the tools needed to remedy the destruction by her oppressors. It is that firm  Afrikan-consciousness that keeps her strong whether she lives in Brazil, Canada, the United States, or an island in the Caribbean. 

KUSH KMT sees the evidence of venture capitalists from non-Afrikan countries entering the continent to remove resources from the vegetation in Afrika, and away from the mouths and bellies of Afrikan women and children. The continuous threat of Eurocentric ideologies, and Asia’s greed for Afrika’s natural resources continue to unleash mayhem in the lives of African people. Consequently,  the Afrikan woman becomes a fighting spirit that aims to protect her family.

History depicts the determination of Afro-women in the stories of legendary women like Queen Nzinga, Yaa Asantewaa, Assata Shakur, Dr. Angela Davis, Winnie Mandela, Shirley Crishom to representative Maxine Waters. All these women share the same storyline of fighting the immoral systematic ideas of Europe. Entrenched in these stories are the victorious moments of perseverance of Afrikan women from Harriet Tubman, Sojourner Truth to Chimamanda Adiche.


Kush KMT is working consistently to continue in the legacies of Afrikan women who served as inspiration to current Afrikan women, and many more who are still working to remove social injustices. Kush KMT acknowledges the need to implement ideas to strengthen the Afrikan woman and her modest quest for betterment, and we are working to improve those conditions by joining with the global Afrikan woman. Consequently, revolutionary changes can be implanted in various Afrikan villages and countries and in the Afrikan diaspora.

African woman ardently aspires to be treated with dignity; designed to be one with the African man. Her social standing, role be integrally restored and maintained; she means to assume all her human responsibilities, on the political level as well as on the economic, social, cultural and family level. We reaffirm the fact that liberty and the promotion of the African woman conslitute an indissoluble part of the liberty and the emancipation of the African peoples, for the human condition of women reftects the level of evolution attained by a given society.
There's Only One of Two Choices...

We live in a time now where this might well possibly be the last chance in this generation to plant the seeds of change we want to see: unity, power, ownership and generational wealth

But the question is: 
Do you, Afrikan woman want to be the woman who continues to complain and criticize how things are or the Afrikan woman who is responsible and revered for shaping, not just your tomorrow but the tomorrow your children talk about with their friends?

See More of The Afrikan Nation
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