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Capitalism vs Ubuntu


Ubuntu is very difficult to render into a Western language. It speaks of the very essence of being human…. you are generous, you are hospitable, you are friendly and caring and compassionate. You share what you have. It is to say, ‘My humanity is inextricably bound up in yours.’ We belong in a bundle of life.

What is better to have in the world, Capitalism or Ubuntu Communism? From the start, note how from among hundreds of thousands of distinct ideologies, now you have to choose from among these two only: Capitalism and Communism. Can these two be the best ideologies of them all, the survivors, offering now Humanity the clear pathway towards global prosperity and global righteousness? Just look around and be the judge here, yet note how even these two ideologies are not instated in their accurate forms throughout the nations of the world today, but in their adapted versions only, and many times in their extensively adapted versions, up to the point where Communism and Capitalism keep their names and slight characteristics only, and nothing else.

What is the difference here? Firstly, Ubuntu, and communal living in general are understood today as ideologies only, which are first level social tools, and not as genuine human social environments, which are societies of the third level, meant to match the genuine human needs and the genuine human development, all being of the third level. …Because there is a lot more to consider here, it had been erased from the history only centuries ago, and now you will never know it. There was Ubuntu instated in Africa and it had probably worked well, who knows where and for how long, and there were communes, or wider-spread communal living instated in Central Europe or in the whole Europe, who knows when and for how long. Today you may learn briefly about Bastille and the Commune of Paris for example, if you ever do so, and if you are capable to understand it. What is relevant to see here, is that these forms of communal society or communal living cannot be reinstated and maintained today without falling into oppression, discrimination and tyranny, and it all has to do with the human development, since everything related to humans has to match and remain compatible whenever they intertwine. I study all these subjects closely throughout my books, and this is exactly why the great majority of my books have the word ‘Human’ right in the title.

If the society today allows wrongs to go unchallenged, the impression is created that those wrongs have the approval of the majority.

…Yet communal living is instated today everywhere in Society at a very small scale, since all families are in fact miniature forms of communal social living, right? You have equality, development, general wellbeing, prosperity, righteousness, and much, much more within each family, including love, acceptance, belonging, security, intrinsic responsibility, devotion, etc., along with equal share of all goods and resources among all family members too. Communal social living is possible indeed, if you are capable to do the same on a larger scale, and live your life throughout Society in the exact manner that you do at home, within your family.

Start: May 11 5pm
Finish: May 11 7pm
IG: @kush_kmt
Location: Speakers Corner